You get what you pay for. As far as late night food options on campus go, DP is probably the most popular option for good reason. The only other place that delivers that late is Insomnia Cookies. The 2 for $10 on nickel night got me through many duty nights.
The calzones have definitely gotten smaller over the years, though, and delivery can take upwards of an hour at peak times. Order before you're starving, or the wait will feel like forever.
You get what you pay for. As far as late night food options on campus go, DP is probably the most popular option for good reason. The only other place that delivers that late is Insomnia Cookies. The 2 for $10 on nickel night got me through many duty nights. The calzones have definitely gotten smaller over the years, though, and delivery can take upwards of an hour at peak times. Order before you're starving, or the wait will feel like forever.